Offering a helping hand to ‘special needs’ families

Special Needs NJ Family Services serves locals in Sussex County

Sussex County NJ Parent Advocate: Linda Leenstra


“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” This famous quote from “The Lorax” appears on the cover of a pamphlet for Special Needs NJ Family Services LLP in Andover. It serves as an important message and theme of the children’s advocacy agency, who believe that all children have the potential to succeed academically regardless of any “special needs.”

Be the change you want to see…Gandhi

Offering a helping hand For a parent, having a child who has been classified in school is usually an emotional experience fraught with confusion, questions and anxiety. The question, “What do we do next?” is raised, and parents can feel overwhelmed with paperwork, Individual Education Plans (IEP) interpretation, and meetings with Child Study Teams.

Helping a child to stay motivated, reach their potential, and like school can be a daunting task for mothers and fathers. Serving families throughout NJ but anchored in Sussex County, Special Needs NJ provides individual services to families who have a child in the school system with special needs. These services include Advocacy for the child, tutoring, life skills, ABA therapy, and now adding Life Coaching for parents and aging students.

The goal of Special Needs NJ, is to help parents navigate the sometimes confusing world of having a classified child, as well as making children aware that they have someone on their side.

“If you went to work everyday and were compared to the guy in the next cubicle, you would start to hate going to work,” says Special Educator, advocate, therapist, and life coach, Linda Leenstra, known warmly to her students as “Ms. Linda.”

“Everybody needs to understand that we are not all square pegs that fit neatly into the square hole. The American education system is so stuck on this concept that children begin to feel like there is something wrong with them; they don’t fit into the system,” says Leenstra. “Here at Special Needs NJ, we feel that individualism is a great thing!”

Classification:  In New Jersey, there are 14 different types of classifications within the education system. For parents, making sense of the terminology, and navigating a path toward well being for their child can be intimidating. Leenstra provides the important service of going into the schools with the parents and attending IEP meetings with the Child Study Team. She often encourages parents to bring a picture of their child to the meeting which helps keep the focus on why everyone is there. They are there for the child. “It is important for school systems to know that we are not working against them, but with them,” says Leenstra. “The best thing for a child is an educated parent, and our main drive is to educate parents on how to get their child in the right program.”

In an effort to help a child reach their potential, Special Needs NJ also will go into homes and provide, not only tutoring, and help with a specific subject, but life skills for children who have a learning disabilities, and behavioral training for both parent and child. Special Needs NJ can help train parents on how to deal with struggles their child may be going through, and provide encouragement to the child. The agency will also assist parents in organizing and understanding the paperwork and forms that comes with having a child who is classified.

Anniversary: as Special Needs NJ is entering it’s fifth year, they continue to grow and provide help to families in New Jersey. The agency also works on a sliding scale fee, and are individualized to a client’s needs. Leenstra regards her role as advocate and educator as more then a job, and establishes a strong connection to the families she works with.

“If you think about it, kids are always under scrutiny, always judged,” says Leenstra. “They are naturally free spirits who want to learn, explore, touch everything, but then they go to school and have their art work compared to other kids.” “For every negative statement made, we should always make five positive ones,” Leenstra advises. “People want to be complemented, not compared.”

For more information visit or call 973-5343402

Special Needs NJ provides a free consultation to discuss how their specialized services fit your individual needs.

Pictured: Linda Leenstra, Court Appointed Special Advocate, with Judge of Morris and Sussex County Courts NJcasa



A Call to Advocacy

August is upon us and before you know it school will be back in session.

Is your child ready? Do you know the services they should receive related to their disability? Are you worried about beginning another year of uncertainty, missed goals, and limited progress?

We can help you navigate those murky waters called “Special Ed.”

Call us today if…

  • You feel your child may have a learning disability
  • You don’t understand the ins and outs of the (IEP), Individualized Education Plan
  • You want to know your rights as a parent
  • Need help writing a letter to the school
  • Don’t understand the evaluations process, percentiles, outcomes etc…
  • Feel your child should be making more progress in academics
  • The school seems to be fluffing you off, saying she/he will catch up

Special Needs NJ has been providing families with “special needs” members for over 15 years in the areas of IEP interpretation, letter writing, IDEA law review, evaluation and assessment interpretation, understanding timelines, everything up to and including meeting attendance with your (CST) Child Study Team. Giving you the skills, techniques, and guidance to help you become the “BEST” advocate you can be for your child.

We understand ALL of the classifying categories; ALL of the related services, and most importantly How you can get the best possible program for your child to progress and become successful in their educational experience.


CALL (973) 534-3402 and we will give you a free consultation.

Statistics show that children who get the proper services during the formative years of Kindergarten-3rd grade perform beyond their expected potential. Unfortunately we see most students because they are struggling and by 3rd grade they are 2-3 years behind, by 5th grade they are 3-5 years behind, and by 8th grade they are moving into high school with only a 5th grade reading level!

However, don’t despair if your child is already in this situation… it’s NEVER too late!

call, email, or fill out the service form right here on our page.

Our prices are conservative and very reasonable

Isn’t your child’s future worth it?


SNNJ also provides: Tutoring, Life Skills Coaching, Behavior Management

IEP Tips:

If at all possible; do not go to the IEP alone! You don’t necessarily need to bring a trained advocate, bring someone who cares about your child and your family. They don’t need to speak. Just ask them to be there to support you, and take notes. This will send the district the message that you take your rights seriously.

IEP review time!!

This is such a crucial time of year for all of us “Special Needs” families.

It’s time for the dreaded annual IEP (Independent Educational Plan) review.

Please, Please, Please remember the following very IMPORTANT actions you need to take as you prepare.

  • The IEP and CST (Child Study Team) meeting is yours, NOT theirs!                                              This meeting is taking place because of you, your child, and your family
  • Come prepared                                                                                                                                                Make sure you prepare an agenda of what you want to discuss, see happen, plans and interventions “needed,” etc…                                                                                                            Don’t let them dictate the meetings time frame and events. Yes, you may want to discuss those evaluations and test scores, but it is NOT the only reason you are there. Make sure you have ALL re-eval documents a minimum of 10 days prior to the meeting. Understand what they mean and what are your child’s strength and weakness areas yes, but unless you need clarification…going over stats and percentages should not monopolize the time you have to meet.                                                      If your child is already classified and has been, chances are you are aware and agree that he/she has a disability and is entitled to services. So, get down to business after a short (15 minute) review of the evals.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NEVER, deny or refuse triennial re-evaluations!
  • Parental Concerns is IMPERATIVE!!                                                                                                            Every IEP has a “Parental Concerns” section, it’s usually a tiny box only about 1/4″ wide….. This does NOT mean you have to fit all of your concerns here!                              Come with an already prepared, typed statement of your parental concerns (probably what you intend to discuss anyway) and formally REQUEST it be included in the official (LEGAL) document of your child’s IEP. This way it becomes a full part of that IEP and everyone your child works with will have access to your input.
  • Record, Report, Re-state                                                                                                                                 Most schools will send you a confirmation letter stating the time, place, and whom will attend the IEP meeting. It may ask if you intend to bring someone? If you request any other professionals and staff? and whether or not you plan to record the meeting?                                                                                                                                                        YES! You want to record the meeting!                                                                                              No, not to antagonize or catch them….. but to have a record for your own to review or for the review of others that may have been unable to attend (That parent out there earning the paycheck who can’t afford another day off the job).                                    You are emotionally involved. Therefore you may not remember or even understand what is being stated/proposed and you need to review the meeting later when you are in a calmer state.                                                                                                                                 The recording will also serve as a resource you can refer to in order to clarify the items discussed for your follow up summary.
  • Follow up summary                                                                                                                                           YES! ALWAYS follow up EVERY meeting, phone call, discussion, teacher email, notes and ANY contact you have with the professionals that service your child with a follow up summary….   “My understanding of what was discussed, proposed, implemented etc….”
  • Finally, and probably MOST IMPORTANT!!!                                                                                              Send ALL correspondence to no less than 3 people in your district ie. the case manager, head of special services, and the building principal. This will ensure you are heard! As well as provide a time stamped/documented record (always send via email) of your insights and perceptions. It also helps that others on your child’s case are aware that they are accountable to replying and taking actions by others within the system.                                                                                                                                                     A recent statement from a client…..”thank you- I did the “copy 3 people on email thing” the last 2 times- whew boy does that work! THANK YOU! “
  • Get support!                                                                                                                                                         If you feel you need some support or expert advice, contact us here at Special Needs NJ  (973-534-3402) to talk to an Advocate/Special Education Consultant

Gemiini Discrete Video Modeling


introduces you to

GEMIINI, Video Modeling

One of the most evidence-based treatments for children with special needs

A summary of general research and GemIIni-based research 30+ years of academic research and institutional acceptance Over the past three decades, research has demonstrated that video modeling is an invaluable, evidence based tool for teaching a variety of skills to children with Down syndrome, autism or other language delays. More importantly, scores of studies have shown that once a skill is learned through video modeling, it is maintained over time and generalized across settings. In a rigorous review of autism interventions in the National Standards Report, video modeling was considered an “Established” and “Effective” treatment by the National Autism Center. Video modeling has been proven to effectively teach skills as varied as social, academic, communication, daily living, play, perspective taking and the generalization of information. This presentation will present a sampling of the hundreds of studies on video modeling as the research base GemIIni relies upon for its own research. The findings of researchers in GemIIni-based clinical trials have moved the field forward from this well-established base. Clinical trials showing the power of viewing GemIIni in groups and in the use of sensory-management filming techniques to increases retention of information could be significant breakthroughs.

click here for video: About Gemiini DVM: Accelerate Language and Reading Therapy

Better Outcomes with Lower Costs While the need for robust, personalized therapy sessions is unquestioned, researchers have known for years that video modeling can be more effective than live one-to-one therapy for modeling. Many of the following studies explicitly point to the cost savings, efficiency and better outcomes that are all a result of the use of video modeling in schools, clinics or homes. From a practical viewpoint, it goes without saying that a the use of video for teaching some skills would be both a more efficient and a more cost effective use of time, so that “live” therapy sessions can be focused on generalization and socialization of learned concepts instead of rote teaching with flashcards or other techniques. In one such example, a seven year study performed in a school district with over 70,000 students, researchers found that video modeling achieved significant improvements in many academic skills for children with special needs, while improving parent teacher cooperation (Biedernan & Freeman 2007). GemIIni Harnessed the Power of Video Modeling for Easy Use & Improved Results GemIIni is a tool that puts video modeling’s highly researched and evidence-based approach at the fingertips of clinicians across the globe, enabling them to make customized video modeling sessions in a matter of minutes. Research showing the effectiveness of GemIIni over standard video modeling is included in the following pages.

more videos……..

Go to to learn all about the Gemiini DVM program. It has been shown to increase language in children with special needs by a factor of 10 to 30x. It is easy, effective and affordable.…
00:07:06                   Added on 5/14/14            58,284 views

Contact us here at Special Needs NJ for your Gemiini Video Modeling training

We can set you up with a free one month code to get you started.

Special Needs NJ, LLP

 Call:      (973) 940-6923 or


Hudson County Special Education Parent Leadership Round Table

Hudson County Round Table Feb 2015

Hudson County Special Education
Parent Leadership Round Table
This is an opportunity to meet face to face and exchange ideas around what works to enhance and sustain family engagement in schools to improve outcomes for children with disabilities. Strategies to start and run local special education parent groups/advisory groups will be discussed and shared. Come and network with other parent leaders in your county.
Date: Tuesday, Feb. 24th 2015
Time: 6:30pm-9:00pm (registration and networking 6:30PM-7PM)
Location: West New York Housing Authority Building
515 54th Street
West New York, NJ
Entrance to the building is on 52nd Street. Municipal parking across the street (on 52nd
Snow date: Tuesday, March 3rd (Same place and same time)
To register go to or contact Myriam Alizo at or 201-960-7159

Parent Education Opportunity



Special Education Law & Advocacy Training Program


Pete Wright is an accomplished special education attorney, law professor, author and advocate whose passion for advocacy grew out of his own personal educational experiences. Pete represented Shannon Carter before the U. S. Supreme Court in Florence County School District Four v. Shannon Carter, 510 U.S. 7 (1993), winning a unanimous decision on Shannon’s behalf. His website, Wrightslaw, is the #1 ranked website about education law, special education law, and special education advocacy.

This one day, six hour program focuses on four areas:
• Special Education law, rights and responsibilities
• Tests and Measures to measure progress and
• Introduction to tactics and strategies for
effective advocacy

WRIGHTSLAW: Special Education Law & Advocacy Training Program
Featuring: Pete Wright

download flyer click here

Advocacy from a parents perspective

Why Do You Need an Advocate?

Authur: Dan Coggshall

My daughter’s first IEP meeting was a disaster. They sat my pregnant wife and I down in chairs made
for kindergarteners and began to tell us everything that was wrong with our amazing daughter. They
used terms like “z­score” and “standard deviation” and presented us a document full of acronyms, like
LRE and PO, and abbreviations like “grp” (because the two extra letters in group were apparently too
much to write).

I was confused and I was sad. They kept saying we were part of the team, but everything we said was
dismissed. They kept saying “IEP” which I knew meant individual education plan, but they were clearly
trying to put our daughter in the same program they put every other kid in.
My wife and I tried to explain where we were coming from. We tried to share our daughter’s unique
gifts and challenges. We tried to get her the program we knew was right for her. But, we didn’t speak
the language. We were too emotional. We were too angry. They had a rebuttal for everything we said.
They had wording that made them bulletproof. This was one of the most significant days of our lives.
This was a regular Tuesday for them.

I consider myself a pretty smart person. I went to college. I’ve worked in education. I’ve negotiated
contracts. I’ve made myself an expert on all the medical aspects of my daughter’s syndrome. But, I was
totally lost coming out of that first meeting.
I became determined that it would be different the next time. I read every book I could find. I poured
through websites. I joined support groups. I attended training’s. In this process, I realized two things:
1. Unless I devoted all my waking hours to it, I would never have time to learn everything there is
to know about educating children with disabilities.
2. I would never be able to turn off the emotions when it came to my own daughter.

I realized I needed help. I realized I needed an advocate.

Special Education law allows parents to include anyone with special knowledge of the child on the IEP
team that makes decisions about the child’s education. This could be a neighbor, a tutor, a volunteer
from nonprofit, or a professional advocate who makes his or her living helping parents of children with
disabilities navigate the special education system.
Unlike lawyers, who bring with them high fees, long delays, and opposing lawyers, advocates can sit at
the normal IEP table and work within the team to represent the needs of the child with disabilities.
Why did I need an advocate? Why do I think you need an advocate, regardless of your unique
situation? Here are five reasons:

1. You are outnumbered. At almost all meetings, the parents are outnumbered. It’s not unusual
for it to be one parent up against four or more people from the school district. Sure, everyone is
supposed to work as a team and I have heard some great stories of truly collaborative teams(just as I’ve heard stories about unicorns), but it’s usually you against them. One voice against
four is really hard.
A good advocate is an extra voice on your side in the meeting. A good advocate can bring
balance to a meeting and provide back­up. With an advocate present, the school personnel will
be far less likely to try to gang up on you or take advantage of you.

2. The people from the school know more than you. This is their job. They know the
acronyms and the policies. They almost always write the documents you are reviewing. They
talk about things before the meeting and come in with a plan ­­ without you. You are working
just to get up to speed on what they know.
A good advocate can help you keep pace because an advocate can walk in knowing the things
you don’t know. A good advocate speaks the language and knows the rules.

3. The people from the school know less than they should. Just because it is their job,
doesn’t mean they are good at it. Very few people who work for the school have read the
applicable special education laws. More than likely, they did not study the pertinent Supreme
Court cases. What they know is what they’ve been told and what they’ve seen. They know the
way “they” do things ­­ not the way they are supposed to do things.
A good advocate has read the law. A good advocate has seen special education implemented in
other places and has seen how it’s supposed to happen, not just how it happens in that
particular school. A good advocate can come to the table with ideas and solutions balanced
with an understanding of the law to call the school personnel out when they are breaking it.

4. You love your kid too much. It’s hard to make a point and cry at the same time. Emotional
pleas in the movies often win the day and end in slow clapping. Emotional pleas at the IEP table
usually involve a lot of blubbering and end with awkward silences. Worse, yelling and name
calling can destroy any good will the team has toward you.
A good advocate cares about your kid, but can talk dispassionately in order to coherently work
on your child’s behalf. A good advocate stays calm when tensions rise and a good advocate
can help you avoid the embarrassing blubbering.

5. Lawyers are expensive. We all imagine that all we have to do is threaten to sue and the
school district personnel will be shaking in their boots. It doesn’t work that way. When you
threaten to sue, they smile inside because they know that (a) they have lawyers on the payroll
and (b) you don’t. Lawyers are expensive both in terms of time and money. If you’re child is in
an inappropriate placement, can you afford to wait two years and pay twenty thousand dollars?

A good advocate can work quickly and can do so for a lot less money ­­ law degrees,
paralegals, and those leather office chairs are expensive! Even better, a good advocate can help
you negotiate more than the district is required to do under the law. Far more can be
accomplished in an IEP meeting than in a due process hearing.

For all those reasons, I knew I needed an advocate to help secure the correct setting for my daughter.
We were able to work with my team and find solutions to ensure she receives an appropriate education.
I also knew I couldn’t stand by while other parents tried to do it on their own and I decided to give up
all those waking hours so that I could train to become an advocate myself.

Our thanks to Dan Coggshall for authoring this guest blog

Dan has completed his course work with NSEAI (National Special Education Advocacy Institute), and is now interning with us here at Special Needs NJ

Have you been where he was? Lost and confused over the “ABC’s” of Special Education? Outnumbered by school personnel in an IEP meeting (just you against everyone free for that period)? Do you feel your son or daughter is not in the “best” possible environment or program for their “needs?” Do you need help navigating the murky waters of Special Education and your child’s diagnosis or disability?

Many say that a parent is the best advocate for their child. While this is true in many situations, in the IEP meeting this many times is NOT the case. Your emotions are in charge, they don’t understand the guilt, and mourning you are experiencing over the fact that you are even there! That your child is struggling and you feel it’s your fault. You’re to stressed over the 4-12 faces staring back at you to even be confident that you are hearing anything they are saying!

Don’t put yourself through another meeting like the one Dan has described, call for an advocate today! (973) 534-3402

You will receive a half hour consultation with an educational consultant, experienced in Special Education law and practices, who has assisted many families on this journey called the IEP (Individualized Educational Plan). We will hear your struggles, meet your child, review your evaluations and recommendations, formulate a plan, write letters to your CST (child study team), and hold your hand all the way through the process of obtaining the best possible placement for your child and their “Special Needs.”

specialneedsheader 2

(973) 534-3402

Click here to contact us for services



Worship Services for Special Needs




Please join us for our Very Special Family Worship Service

November 23, 2014 at 2:00 PM

Christ children7

This is a joyous, musical and engaging communion service that lasts approximately ½ hour.

Children are celebrated and free to be themselves.

Lunch (including Gluten Free and Vegan options) will be served immediately following the November 23, 2014 service.

Hosted by

The Episcopal Church of the Atonement

(Between Broadway and Rosalie Street)

1-36 30th Street

Fair Lawn, NJ 07410


Special Services the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month

click here to visit our page

Not accessible for the physically handicapped

Electric stair chair available


Please RSVP and let us know your dietary restrictions. OR Betty Lynn: 732-289-5198.  We will do our best to accommodate your needs.


IEP meeting
It’s IEP time! Where did I put those report cards? FAPE IDEA What was that teacher’s name? LRE Should we keep him in speech? IEE Don’t get caught in a rush, wondering what to discuss, not understanding a single word they say! Call: specialneedsheader.jpg Special Needs NJ…. NOW! 973-534-3402 Our experts can help you interpret those test sores, percentages, rankings etc… But more importantly; we know the law! If you’ve ever been afraid, intimidated, feel unsure, bullied, unheard, talked down to and think your child needs a better written, more individualized IEP? Don’t wait for the last-minute. This is your child’s education! Let’s get together, so this year you feel confident, prepared, educated, and not intimidated. Our advocates are ready and waiting to serve you and your child. Not only will we meet you and your child in the comfort of your own home, but we will accompany you to the meeting at your school. We want to help educate you about the education your child has a right to receive within your home community. Negotiate and work with school professionals to ensure your child gets the best possible education that will address his/her disability “needs.” And not simply pigeon-holed into a one size fits all model of what the school thinks is representative of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Call NOW! 973-534-3402 for your FREE consult