October is Dyslexia Awareness Month!!

1 in 5 people have some level of dyslexia.  Over 60% of the students in the USA are not reading at grade level.  

     Learn more here with all of these resources:

1.   Join here to stay updated : Science of Reading: https://m.facebook.com/groups/704498996666615/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF

2.  See why so many people did not learn to read well for the past 2 decades: https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/04/24/education-schools-reading-programs-literacy-jones-pkg-cnntm-cprog-vpx.cnn?mibextid=Zxz2cZ

3. Join the National Center on Improving Literacy. This video explains the wealth of resources they have: https://youtu.be/idGir65bHM4  

4.  Follow Reading Rockets and Understood https://www.readingrockets.org/helping/target?fbclid=IwAR11FOZ7sRvRLMIzQogVDPnM2nJilDn3K4b0ix6IfshjneCywKmoDXMCkq0&mibextid=Zxz2cZ

5. Go Beyond Grades: https://gobeyondgrades.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/WEB_LH_Science-of-Reading_Photo-Version_R01.pdf?mibextid=Zxz2cZ

6. Join any “Decoding Dyslexia,” organizations in many states

7. See Made by Dyslexia.

8. See Dyslexic Advantage

9. Take a class or learn more here: https://dyslexia.yale.edu/dyslexia/dyslexia-faq/

10. Mount St. Joseph University-Reading Science Program

11. The Reading League

12. Know your rights in education: Visit Wrightslaw

13. Contact an advocate: https://specialneedsnewjersey.com/

14. Barrington Stoke has fabulous books

15. Boon teacher scholarships

16. Learning Ally

17. Libby App

18.  Sounder & Friends

19. Science of Reading: The Community

20. OrCam

21.  Speechify

22.   Barbara Bush Foundation

23.   REED Charitable Foundation

24.   Time Timer – Make Every Moment Count

25.    Reach Every Reader

26.    EarlyBird Education.

27.     Iowa Reading Research Center

28.     Learning Disabilities Association of Arkansas – LDAA

29.  The Florida Center for Reading Research. https://fcrr.org/resource-database?mibextid=Zxz2cZ

30     DyslexiaLand: https://www.dyslexialand.com/#home

31.      Sortegories

32.     Dyscalculia Network

33.     Www.dyscalculia.org

34.     British Dyslexia Association

35.     International Dyslexia Association

36.      Learning Matters Ltd

37.    https://www.coursera.org/learn/dyslexia?

38.     Landmark School Outreach Program

39.     Distinct Magazine

40.      Dyslexia pqbd

41. Free apps here: https://www.gse.harvard.edu/apps/early-literacy

42.      Dyslexia Canada

43.      Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity

44.      Dyslexia Scotland

      Dyslexia Explored

45.     Decoding Dyslexia Military

46.     The Reading League Cafe: Coffee and Tea with TRL Journal and Me!

47.     Reading Simplified

48.     Teachers for Reading Canada – TFRC

49.     Beyond BookSmart – Executive Function Coaching https://www.beyondbooksmart.com/?utm_source=GMBListing&utm_medium=organic

50.    Executive Functioning Toolbox: https://www.facebook.com/ExecutiveFunctioningToolbox/

51.    NoticeAbility: https://www.noticeability.org/

52.    The OT Toolbox

 These are not shared in any order of importance.

Special Education Distance Learning During COVID 19

Confused about whether your child should be receiving special education services if their school is closed because of COVID-19? You are not alone.

Soon after the COVID-19 crisis caused schools across a number of states to shut down, the United States Department of Education posted a Q&A on its website regarding states’ responsibilities to provide special education services under the federal Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act while their public schools were closed.

The USDOE’s Q&A caused an uproar because it suggested that public schools were prohibited from offering educational programs to special education students via distance learning. The Q&A also suggested that the right to a legally required free and appropriate public education was contingent upon whether general education students were receiving instruction, too.

Based on the USDOEs Q&A, some school districts decided to halt instruction entirely, under the assumption that they need not provide special education students with a free and appropriate public education during the closures.

As a result of both the backlash and mounting confusion, the USDOE has attempted to clarify its position through a “supplemental fact sheet” it posted on its website.

The USDOE stated that school districts should not close or deny distance learning opportunities, particularly because they can be used to provide services to special education students. The USDOE made clear that school districts can effectively provide many special education services via modifications, such as through video and telephonic conferences.

However, the USDOE also noted that the nature of some related services render them challenging, and perhaps unsafe, to administer from afar, such as occupational therapy. Needless to say, many special education students who receive physical therapy services (and other services considered unsuitable for refashioning) will be negatively affected during the school closures.

Closer to home for our law firm and most of our clients, the New Jersey State Legislature has passed Assembly Bill 3813, which currently awaits New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s signature.

The bill requires state school districts to give special education students the same access to remote instruction as general education students have (to the extent that access is “appropriate and practical,” which is something advocates contend the IDEA already requires). The bill also expressly authorizes school districts to provide speech language and counseling services through an alternative format.

And just today, April 1, 2020, the state of New Jersey issued rules applicable in a public health emergency (pursuant to the authority granted to agency heads by Executive Order 107, the State of Emergency signed by Governor Murphy), relaxing the general rules regarding the delivery of related services, and permitting them to be provided remotely.  This is a good step toward getting children with disabilities back on track.

Despite the USDOE’s attempts to calm fears and refine its position, we remain in uncharted waters. Because the navigation is sure to be choppy during these uncertain times, you may be confused as to what special education services your children should be receiving, and what legal options are available to them in the event the services are not provided.

We at John Rue & Associates, LLC are here to help.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the impact school closures have on your student’s education, please contact us at (862) 283-3155 for a free preliminary consultation.

John Rue & Associates, LLC


John Rue & Associates New Jersey Education Lawyers www.johnruelaw.com John Rue & Associates can help with your real life legal issues, from education disputes with your local public school & discrimination by school officials, as well as family & civil litigation.

“Doing Well by Doing Good.”

(862) 283-3155


How are your classified children dealing with the home/virtual learning?

Forgive my absence, I guess I’m a little depressed over the Coronavirus and the so called “Home/Virtual” schooling that’s supposed to be taking place. I’ve been meeting with my tutoring students both in person and virtually, and am totally dismayed at the lack of instruction, and support provided to those kiddo’s with IEP services of In-Class Resource (ICR). They’ve become the forgotten, and their parents are trying to pick up the slack.

Not to mention all the students that were in a “Self Contained” classroom setting; I find they’re schooling has been left completely up to parents. Many of whom have no idea how to teach special needs, the concepts of ABA style learning, or implement OT and PT practices. I mean these children are experiencing regression BIG TIME, and no-one seems to care?

Now normally this is a big time for me… you know…. IEP Season! A time when we are usually reviewing your child’s IEP and coming together in Review Meetings to discuss what worked and what didn’t? Well, THIS IS NOT WORKING!!!

Teachers are still receiving their salary to sit at home and spit out an email saying; do pages 14 & 15 in science book today, and complete pages 12-18 in math…. yadda yadda, Now I know there are some districts out there doing it differently, but where I am that’s about the sum of it. In the mean time children on the spectrum, struggling with dyslexia, or attention deficit aren’t being instructed at all in a manner that they (or their parents) can reproduce at home. All while these poor parents are either trying to complete their own work or worse yet, laid off or unemployed.

So, that’s my rant for today. I’ll try to be more present in the weeks to come. What are you struggling with? Do you need some coaching in how to teach your special needs child? Do you need support? Some guidance? Someone just to talk to? I’m here. I can be reached through my Facebook Page, via email at specialneedsnj@hotmail.com, or call (973) 534-3402

What do you want to talk about today?

US Dept of Ed Coronavirus Letter

Answers to Special Education Students Services During Shut Downs

Click here for Q and A about providing services to Special Education Students during a Coronavirus shutdown. Download

Success Story

SAM05/17/2019 / 9:11 am

Hey Linda! I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done.
I highly recommend Linda at Special Needs NJ. I contacted Linda because I was concerned about my daughter and felt that the school was not meeting her needs. When I first asked the school to evaluate my daughter, they said that her grades were too good and that there was no need evaluate her. I disagreed. I called several different advocates before I called Linda. Immediately, I felt comfortable speaking to Linda and explaining what my concerns were. She explained how the process works and what her role would be. When I met with Linda, I gave her all the medical reports I had, her then current 504, and samples of my daughter’s work. Linda took the time to look through everything and she went to work immediately formulating a plan. She explained to me the law and what my parental rights are. Linda wrote correspondence to the school on my behalf. All I had to do was read it over, insert certain pieces of information and send the correspondence to the school. I requested another meeting with the school and asked again for my daughter to be evaluated. Linda attended the meeting with. She provided me with an agenda of topics to cover, so I wouldn’t forget what I needed to talk about and she spoke for me when I became too emotional. The school agreed to evaluate my daughter. After the evaluations were complete, the school moved my daughter from a 504 to an IEP due to the discrepancies they found. I took her for further evaluations and the doctor diagnosed my daughter as high functioning ASD.
I never would have gotten this far had it not been for Linda. She was there for me when I needed her. She provided me with support and fought for my child as if it was her own child. Linda is extremely knowledgeable of all the laws and rights, and how a proper IEP should be written up. I learned a lot from her. Choosing Linda as my daughter’s advocate and my IEP coach was the best decision I’ve ever made.

How to Write a Parental Concerns Letter for your IEP

Have you written a “Parental Concerns” letter?

No? Why Not???

This is one of the most underutilized sections in the IEP!

It is your right to submit your concerns as the parent of a child with an IEP, and have it placed into that IEP under the heading of “Parental Concerns,” or sometimes it’s listed as “Parent Input.” And yet so many times I hear parents say they didn’t know they had that right.

I’ll admit, it is very hard to find this portion of the IEP, as it is often the smallest section possible and is easily overlooked. OR, there may be a few well chosen snippets of your concerns that were picked out of the meeting by the case manager.

What does the IDEA say about including the parents input into the IEP? Well it’s not a lot, but it IS there; listed under Other Methods To Ensure Parent Participation (300.322(c)) “Parents are free to provide input into their child’s IEP through a written request if they so choose.”

Why is the Parents Concerns letter so important?

First, understand that you NEED to do this EVERYtime you go through the IEP process, or review.

Remember that the IEP is based on the “NEEDS” of the child. It is “NEEDS” driven. NOT diagnosis driven. So your child gets evaluated to determine the areas of need, then goals are drawn up based upon those needs. The strategies and services that they then receive are based upon the goals, which are based upon the needs. All of the child’s areas of need are listed in the “Present Levels” section, also known as the PLOP or PLAAP, adn this drives the IEP. Now, do you know what else is in that section of the IEP? The PARENTAL CONCERNS! (Note: this may be slightly different and vary from state to state).

Therefore, do you understand…. this “parental Concerns” section ALSO helps drive the goals & services in the IEP. It is your right to submit one, and it MUST be included!

How long should my “Parental Concerns” letter be?

The short answer is…. As long as it needs to be. Now, some districts may tell you that it can not be any longer than 200 words. That is NOT TRUE! They may have a computer program for IEP formulation that only allows for 200 words, but that does not mean you have to limit your concerns. It simply means they need to find another way to include your concerns IN THEIR ENTIRETY into the IEP as you request. Of course that doesn’t mean you should write a 12 page dissertation about your child either. Be clear and concise, leave out emotional statements or accusatory language targeting any staff or service.

Here’s what you should include in your “Parental Concerns.”

Everything that “needs” to be there. Remember, this will drive goals and services. What are your main concerns about your child? Be concise. Be focused. Be child centered.

  • areas of need that the school identified and you agree with
  • areas of need that have not been identified that you wish to include
  • strategies that work for your child
  • strategies that feel do not work
  • behavior concerns
  • any medical or food allergies you are concerned or feel the staff needs to know
  • social and emotional struggles your child may have. ie. anxiety or fidgety do to ADHD etc…

When do you send a “Parental Concerns” letter?

I recommend that you send it in when you are responding to the letter of notification for your next meeting. “Yes, I can attend the meeting on Thursday, date, time. Here is my list of parental concerns that I wish to discuss with the team and be included in their entirety within the IEP.”

You can follow that up with, “I will bring a hard copy to the meeting,” or “I will email a copy for input into the IEP.”

For further assistance with Special Education and the IEP process’

Contact IEP Coach/Advocate Linda by calling (973) 534-3402

Visit us on Facebook: Special Needs IEP Coach/Advocate

IEP Coach/Advocacy

“Cc: 3 people on every email.”

This was one of the best pieces of advice Linda gave us and we hadn’t even signed a contract with her yet!

My son has been in the public school system since he was three years old. After being asked to leave multiple daycares, one owner suggested we contact our school district’s CST and have him tested. He was tested and was deemed eligible for their special needs pre-school program. He started with half-days and transitioned to full days.

As parents, we thought we were doing the best for him. We had our IEP meeting and everything was great. Boy do I wish I knew what was ahead of me!!!

Kindergarten started off okay, but then he was put on home instruction because he was a “public health” risk. I had hired a different advocate then, but she didn’t do a thing for me. I even contacted a special needs attorney who offered advice and we were able to get him back into school.

First grade, again started off okay, but then it went downhill. At one of the many meetings with the school, we raised the question of out of district placement. Oh no, we were told. Multiple times that year, while being summoned to the school to pick up our son due to his current behaviors, arriving and being shuttled into an impromptu meeting, we would say, perhaps out of district placement is the answer and we were told No, we have not done everything we can for him yet.

In the spring, I contacted Linda. Best thing we could have ever done. At our first meeting, she gave me so much information and I thought to myself, I had no idea that I was the person in control of my son’s IEP meetings. Linda took the time to review all of my son’s records and ask what we wanted for our son. Together, we devised a plan to fight for our child and the education he deserved. Linda is a bulldog. She knows how to ask the tough questions that parents don’t want to ask or know to ask. She is upfront and always responsive.

Months and months of meetings and emails and unfulfilled requests, we wound up in court. We had no choice. Days before my son was supposed to start his new school, I was still getting “bullied” by the school district and administrators.

My son has been in his new school since the end of November and he is doing outstanding. He was named “Student of the Month” this past month and received his first report card – all A’s and B’s. He has not been sent home once! When his teacher calls me for a weekly status update, she is nothing but positive. We could not be happier and more proud of our child. We credit a lot of people, but without Linda, our son would not be in the proper educational atmosphere, he would not be as successful as he is and I would not have my sanity.

Get yourselves educated. Know your child’s rights and your rights as parents. Understand that they are not in control of your child’s educational future, you are. Hire an advocate (IEP Coach/advocate Linda’s email specialneedsnj@hotmail.com and website www.specialneedsnewjersey.com) who understands the special educational system. School administrators take advantage of the that fact parents do not know all the ins and outs of how the system works and for many, including myself, there is so much more than just that little PRISE book they give you at the meeting.

Stand your ground. Ask questions. Ask for documentation and communication in written form. Control the conversation and the meetings. And most importantly, every communication should include at least people!!!!!

Nicole K.

Nicole is one of the parents I have served through IEP Coaching and Advocacy. You will be hearing more of her story in future posts.

If your child is struggling in Special Education, you need to learn the ins-and-outs of Special Education, have questions about what the PRISE booklet is all about, or have a newly diagnosed or classified child in your family…. Contact me at (973) 534-3402 or send an email to specialneedsnj@hotmail.com, or go to my website and fill in the contact/request form www.specialneedsnewjersey.com. NOTE: Don’t let the NJ part put you off, I serve ALL states! The laws of the IDEA are national! Some practices, policies, and timelines vary state to state, but YOUR RIGHTS and the rights of YOUR CHILD are the same across ALL borders! (NJ is simply where I am located and it was the best available domain when I started.)

I hope to hear from you soon to learn how I can help you help your child.

Coach Linda


Get your IEP review!   30% off

Contact me at linda@darknesstojoy.com or specialneedsnj@hotmail.com to request your special price.

ONLY $97.99
(That’s 30% off the regular price!)

What you get:

  • Complete Review of your child’s IEP
  • Your top 3 concerns or questions answered
  • A 50 minute consultation via phone, Skype, or face-time
  • Expert advice and tips
  • How to approach the CST team
  • What letters to write and how


Need an Advocate? Or just need some information??

Our ADVOCATE-ON-CALL service is for parents that may think they don’t need a full contracted Advocate, or just need a bit of advice for their upcoming meeting etc…

Special Needs NJ is now offering an ADVOCATE -ON-CALL session at reduced price for the holiday season!!

Just go to the “contact” page, fill out the form which will send us an email of your request. We’ll be in touch with you to set up your one hour ADVOCATE-ON-CALL session. Or just call us at (973) 534-3402

For one hour; you can ask any and all questions you have and get expert advice as to how to proceed. You’ll be educated as to what questions to ask you CST, what to sign and not sign, tricks and traps to be weary of, what to avoid, how to request, and so so much more!

You can also pay for your ADVOCATE-ON-CALL session right here on our site through PayPal! It’s that easy.

Having difficulty with your school system? Can’t get the services you think your child should have? Do you have to attend an IEP meeting and are not sure how to handle the CST?

We will give you all the information in one phone call.