
banner blue puzzleUnderstanding Aspergers:

A   Anxiety seems to come out of nowhere sometimes for no reason. I’m afraid of doing the wrong thing. Sometimes I worry a lot and am scared that I might be a bad person.

S Strange thoughts run through my head at random. Sometimes I can make them stop but other times I can’t. I associate strange things (like the number 11 with white bread dipped in tomato sauce).

P People don’t understand me sometimes and I’m afraid regular ed. kids will never accept me. They don’t think the way I do and don’t understand me.

E Eye Contact bothers me. I don’t know why I have trouble looking at people when I talk to them, nor do I know why I don’t like being touched?

R Routine is important and helps me focus. I hate major change and fear the unknown. I worry a lot about the future and find it hard to organize my life when my routine changes.

G Games, especially video and computer games that let you escape from reality are favorites of “Aspies.” I have an excellent memory when it comes to navigating tunnels in an RPG

E Escapism is vital. I don’t always understand the world around myself or the way others think. I protect myself by escaping into my own world.

R Rejection is hard to deal with, especially if it’s by peers of your own age group.

S Safety, Security, and Satisfaction are things all “Aspies” crave but seldom find unless they try. We don’t succeed in “normal” ways but many of us have special talents and are truly brilliant, something most of us are!

Do some of these describe your child? Aspergers is not a disability but a state of uniqueness! Children on the Autism spectrum live their lives outside the “norms” of society, or so we are taught to believe. However, I see these students as individuals, each with their own set of rules by which to play. With the right instruction, coping mechanisms, and life skills tools they can learn to tolerate those things that separate them from the mainstream.

Contact us today to get started on helping your unique child manage the world he/she lives in.

call 973-534-3402 for free 1/2 hour phone consult

or email to schedule a session