
banner servicesSpecializing in –

  • Individual Educational Program/Plan (IEP) Review
  • Advocacy and Educational Consultation for IEP planning, interpretation, and meetings
  • Differentiated Academic Instruction
  • Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
  • Tutoring
  • Life Skills Coaching &Counseling
  • Social Skills Education
  • Behavior Management / Modification
  • Executive Functioning Skills Training
  • Elderly Companions
  • Super Nanny Makeover

Why an advocate/Consultant?

Why an advocate/educational consultant?

As educational advocates/consultants, we evaluate children with disabilities and make recommendations about services, supports, and special education programs. When we go to eligibility and/or Individual Educational Planning (IEP) meetings, we are acting on your child’s behalf. As your child’s educational advocate/consultant, we can negotiate for services by relying on our knowledge of the special education laws to implement tactics and strategies that will provide the best instruction that “fits” your child’s “needs” based on his/her unique disability.

As your educational advocate/consultant we gather facts and information. As we gather this information and organize documents, we learn about your child’s disability and educational history. We then use these facts and independent documents to resolve disagreements and disputes with the school. Our goal is to have an amicable relationship between you and your school district in order to obtain the accommodations and services that will best serve your child’s educational needs.

Disclaimer: Special Needs NJ, LLP in no way represents itself as a law firm and does NOT provide legal services or advice. We are professionals in the field of Special Education versed in Special Education law with a goal towards providing mediation/modifications to best meet the “needs” of their classified clients for a Free and “Appropriate” Public Education (FAPE)

Home Programming and Coordination: Through Board certified behavior analyst (BCBA) will set up, implement, and/or supervise your child’s home program while working collaboratively with other professionals involved in your child’s program.

Individual ABA therapy: One on one therapy conducted in the home or community setting designed to teach and enhance a variety of skills using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Teaching techniques and strategies include, but are not limited to; verbal behavior, intensive teaching, discrete trials, task analysis, errorless learning, and error correction.

ABA, or Applied Behavior Analysis therapy, is the science of human behavior.  It is the only therapy with more than 30 years of research proving its effectiveness for a child with an autism spectrum disorder.

Over the past 30 years, several thousand published research studies have documented the effectiveness of ABA across a wide range of:

  • Populations: Children and adults with mental illness, developmental disabilities, learning disorders as well as ‘typical’ children who engage in problem behavior
  • Interventionists: BCBA (Board Certified Behavioral Analysts, ABA Therapists, Parents, teachers and staff
  • Settings: Schools, homes, clinics, institutions, group homes, hospitals and business offices
  • Behaviors: Language, social, academic, leisure and functional life skills, aggression, self-injury, oppositional and stereotyped behaviors

A simple way of understanding this is that we, as humans, learn to behave based upon the demands placed upon us by our environment.  For most people, this occurs unconsciously without us being aware of it.  For a child or person with autism, learning occurs only when demands are carefully structured, repeated often and rewarded when the desired ‘socially significant’ behavior is produced.

‘Socially significant’ behaviors include reading, academics, social skills, communication and adaptive living skills. Adaptive living skills include gross and fine motor skills, eating and food preparation, toileting, dressing, personal self-care, domestic skills, time and punctuality, money and value, home and community orientation and work skills.

ABA methods are used to support persons with autism and similar disorders in at least six ways:

  1. To increase behaviors: Reinforcing procedures increase on-task behavior or social interactions.
  2. To teach new skills: Systematic instruction and reinforcement procedures teach functional life skills, communication skills or social skills.
  3. To maintain behaviors: Teaching self control and self-monitoring procedures to maintain and generalize job-related social skills.
  4. To generalize or to transfer behaviors from one situation or response to another:  Completing assignments in a specialized school to performing as well in a mainstream school classroom.
  5. To restrict or narrow conditions under which interfering behaviors occur: Modifying the learning environment
  6. To reduce interfering behaviors: Preventing self-injury or stereotype.

Academic tutoring: Academic tutoring that focuses on deficits in the areas of Math, Reading, and Writing while utilizing behavior management techniques, academic modifications, differentiated instruction, and breaking down skills into smaller components.

School Observations and Consultations: Observations conducted in the school setting can assist parents and professionals in choosing an appropriate placement. School observations and consultations can also help facilitate and generalize skills within the home setting.

Functional Behavior Assessments: Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) is an approach designed to assist professionals to determine the function of student’s maladaptive behaviors. An FBA is a crucial component in designing an individual’s behavior intervention plan and/or implementing positive behavior supports.

Behavior intervention plans: A behavior intervention plan (BIP) is derived from an FBA and will outline the behaviors that will be targeted for reduction or will be targeted for an increase while teaching alternative replacement behaviors. .

  • And more…

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2 thoughts on “Services

  1. Mary Ortner 01/13/2015 / 9:47 pm

    What is your price? Do you have more information?

    • specialneedsnewjersey 01/16/2015 / 7:51 am

      Hi Mary,
      Our prices vary depending on what services you are looking for? Please cal the office and we can be more specific. Are you looking for advocacy, therapy, tutoring, IM?

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